June 12, 2024

New Merits Threshold for the ‘Iniquity Exception’? Latest Court of Appeal Judgment Considers Important Areas of Legal Privilege and Exposes the Difficulties of Applying the ‘Iniquity Principle’


In a judgment handed down earlier this year, the Court of Appeal provided detailed guidance on the relevant tests to be satisfied before a party may invoke the so-called “iniquity exception,” being the exception which lifts the cloak of privilege over communications with lawyers that are in furtherance of a crime or fraud. The Court of Appeal Judgment also clarified a number of important points of law regarding the scope of legal professional privilege. Significantly, the Court of Appeal found that litigation privilege can, in certain circumstances, extend to non-parties to proceedings (including alleged victims or witnesses) and that legal advice privilege may apply to investigatory work conducted by lawyers.

To read the “New Merits Threshold for the ‘Iniquity Exception’? Latest Court of Appeal Judgment Considers Important Areas of Legal Privilege and Exposes the Difficulties of Applying the ‘Iniquity Principle’” article, click here.