

Mission Statement

Central to Milbank's culture of excellence is an environment rooted in meritocracy, one where all individuals have equal opportunity to succeed. At our Firm, people of all backgrounds and experiences are respected and appreciated.

Guided by our commitment to people, process, and place, the Firm adapts to the particular needs of all attorneys and make a significant impact in the development and furtherance of our colleagues' careers.

Our people are the colleagues, clients, and communities with whom we work. Our process is what we do and how we do it to encourage everyone to reach their full potential. Finally, our place is how we cultivate vibrant office cultures, nurture successful teams, and foster a sense of belonging throughout the Firm. By focusing on this framework, the Firm continues to build a workplace that is engaged and collaborative, enabling us to provide excellent, differentiated legal services to our clients.


Building Community

In addition to providing high quality, differentiated legal services, Milbank invests in a welcoming and vibrant workplace experience that celebrates community and connection. It is important to us to cultivate spaces that enhance the experience of all attorneys and support a high-performance culture, benefiting our clients, colleagues, and the communities that we serve.


Maximizing Success

A focal point of our Inclusion efforts is Milbank’s processes – what we do and how we do it – to encourage everyone to reach their full potential. We recognize that a singular approach to development does not fit all, and we design our initiatives with that recognition in mind. At Milbank, we know that unique perspectives and diverse life experiences combine for powerful results, and the Firm develops its talent with this in mind.


Celebrating Culture

Milbank is committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued, is treated respectfully, has access to opportunities, and can meaningfully contribute and participate in the Firm’s achievements. We nurture this culture by celebrating what makes us unique, creating opportunities to learn about each other, and honing leadership skills.

If you have any further questions regarding Milbank’s Inclusion initiatives, please contact Mikeisha Anderson Jones, Chief Inclusion Officer.