Dr. Thomas Vogl, LL.M.


F +49.89.25559.3700


Maximilianstraße 15
80539 Munich

T +49 89.25559.3664

F +49.89.25559.3700

Thomas Vogl is a member of the firm’s Corporate Group.

Primary Focus & Experience

He specializes in corporate and M&A transactions with a particular focus on private equity transactions.

Recognition & Accomplishments

Thomas studied law at the University of Augsburg, the University of Bergen (Norway) and the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom). Before joining Milbank, he gained experience at an international law firm in London and Munich. Thomas is admitted to the German bar and speaks German and English.

Additional Details
  • Bavaria, Second State Exam
  • University of Cambridge, LL.M.
  • University of Augsburg, Dr.
  • University of Augsburg, First State Exam
  • Germany